Friday, February 6, 2009

OK. So he's really just not that into me.

We'll call him Chris. Chris and I met through a friend a few months ago.

We've hung out together at various parties, and we always end up just the two of us - talking - for hours.

We made our first solo plans. I was excited. I had given myself that pre-date/or not date pep-talk. The one where I review with myself the need to look for signs that it is or isn't a date.

Then, I put on clean clothes. This is generally a pre-date tradition for me (it's not that my clothes are usually dirty, but they are usually pre-worn).

I show up to meet Chris at the predesignated time. And he's not there. I text him. And he calls me right away. He forgot we had plans.

He decides to salvage the evening and race down and meet me. But still. If there's ever a signal that someone is not that into you, I don't think it's when they forget an anniversary. I'm pretty sure it's when they forget the first date. He told me he often forgets things.

We had a wonderful rest of the evening. Even the bartender, when Chris left for the bathroom, told me he was rooting for us.

But Chris did forget our first (probably our only and quite questionable) date. Jeez.

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